
How to setup Sharepoint sites for HTTPS

Hi guys, I want to share with you a discussion that I’ve participated recently.
Consider this: you are a a host provider and your company will offer Sharepoint support to the public so they can pay you a monthly fee and then they setup a Sharepoint site with you.
You go for a simplistic and cheap design. You have IIS, Sharepoint installed, and you create a web application on the port 80. Within this web app you create multiple site collections. They are the sites your clients will have control for their own setups.
And how do you host multiple websites on the port 80 with a single IP address? Easy. I will use host headers – you say.
And you think: I should be fine. I will setup in away so each client will have their own separate database, they will redirect to the given URL I will provide them and according to the hosting plan I enable disk quotas for each case. For instance, if my client pays me some little money and he is a ’silver client’ I offer them 10MB; if they are ‘platinum client’ and pay me some more I give them 50MB.
All goes fine and well. You see everybody joining your company, the clients keep coming and your setup is totally independent.
so, what’s the problem here?

You are unable to offer HTTPS in that setup. If one of your clients wants to add a shopping cart area and want it to be secure, you can’t help them with that model.
The thing is, IIS can not resolve an incoming HTTPS request like that. ISS will hold the request and it is going to ask himself: ok, to which website should I give this request? Unfortunately IIS as of now can not address this question following that setup. Everybody is under the same IP.
To fix that one of the recommended approaches is to follow the diagram below:


On your IIS you will create multiple web applications, then for each web application you will want to give separate IPs and then host sites on these IPs, and then these web applications are the ones you will offer to your clients.
That’s a little bit more elaborated solution, a little bit more expensive but the gains in scalability will overcome the headaches you might have in the future with an atomic structure that at some point needs to be flexible.
And on that model IIS can finally then fix the SSL dilemma. Because then you will assign the applications to independent IP addresses on the ISS Manager.
Sometimes it takes more than a quick and simplistic approach to design a solution if you only know partially the products involved. Once you have the proposed design please be aware of the issues that are basic in the parts involved. In our case, a knowledge of IIS would have avoided a big trouble in the beginning.
See you later.


1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 22, 2012


    I have a similar setup. The problem that sit with is I only have one public IP. How will I get multiple url's to resolve to the relevant internal IP's ?
