
How to Upgrade SharePoint 2013 Trial to Licensed

If you are using a trial version of SharePoint Server 2013 and want to upgrade to a licensed product edition, you can purchase a license and perform the upgrade on the SharePoint Central Administration itself. Below are the steps to upgrade from trial to licensed.

If you have a trial you will see the following options in Central Admin.


Just click it and type the serial key you just purchased and SharePoint will take care of the rest. The whole licensing process should take just a couple of minutes. Suffice to say the server must be connected to the internet.

sharepoint-2013-trial-upgrade-2-serial-number sharepoint-2013-trial-upgrade-3 sharepoint-2013-trial-upgrade-4-enterprise


How to Get a Random Value Variable on Command Prompt

Here’s a nice trick to get a random value on command prompt: Use the macro %random%


This is pretty useful to setup values not to be known, like for example to set the Administrator password to a unknown value.

net user administrator edge%random%pereira
