
Collab365 Conference Social Media Numbers

We made it! Collab365 was a fantastic event. Truly global, multicultural, multi-time zone, multi-everything.
And I am humbled to have been part of the event sharing knowledge.

During 2 days, across the whole planet, experts on Office 365, SharePoint and Azure bonded in a series of presentations delivered from Europe HQ to the whole world all thanks to the magic of the streaming. At this day and age when everyone mostly (only) talks about the new buzzwords "innovation", "disruption", "internet of things"  the Collab365 team done it and shown it.  I have a few “Thank You” words to the organizers, presenters and attendees. If you this this is a TL;DR kind of text, feel free to skip straight to the nice pictures a bit later in this post. They have the social media data collected.

To the Organizers

You guys are awesome! (I mean, really). From the whole organization with tasks, electronic signatures, forms technology and all that jazz. I don't think people actually understand how big of a deal organizing such a thing is. I don't think I can write enough about how I appreciate your initiative and effort. I wish I could pay you a beer or a cup of coffee or whatever :) you guys and girls did it!

To the Speakers

I mean, we (the presenters) didn't do this for money (I know, I know..I can hear the arguments, but bear with me on this). We do this because we love to share knowledge! I do have a wife and 3 kids and a consulting job that makes me travel a lot, weeks away from home sometimes!! It is hard to find time and put together content, work on demos, test, present, adjust, cut here and there, lots of late nights...all this in the hope that people will find our knowledge useful. I am sure some demos did not go as well as expected, someone must have been sick on the day, the connection was not great, some presentations were longer than expected since we were streaming etc...but the knowledge is there and was shared. I believe that if at the end of the presentation people left knowing something new they didn't know before they started, that's a huge accomplishment. We did it awesome!     

To the Attendees

You guys rocked! all this effort wouldn't mean anything if nobody turned up. We connected at the coolest level, at the intellectual level and with the spirit that 2 + 2 = 5. The sum of our gathering makes something bigger the us. And that is now history, immortal. Be proud of that! If you see any the presenters or organizers online or in person, give them a beer :) It is hard finding the time to put a presso nicely and deliver to the masses. Harder that most people think! Well, some people are naturals at it but I am talking about what I do and what I see out there with other presenters :)

OK, Let’s Talk About the Stats

In the spirit of continuous improvement, I needed to find data about the past to improve the future thus delivering a even better next event. So, at the end of the conference on a Friday night I put the kids to sleep a bit early, prep myself the a cup of coffee and went on to collect data and analyse the numbers of the conference. My criteria used twitter hashtag #collab365 and the event organization handle @colla365 as starting points. No Facebook analysis was done. (Maybe in the next one…) From there a whole bunch of data is collected. Data about geographies, gender were taken from the twitter profiles that had them exposed. Data related to time and date were relative GMT (London). The collection stated 6 hours before the conference started and ended 6 hours after the conference finished. If I tried to collect the same data later tomorrow it is likely to be a bit larger because people might still be posting their sentiment online about the conference and still using the hashtag.

I will come back latter to update the text and stats comments in this post, so feel free to check  back this link from time to time.

Anyway, I won't take much from your time reading my musings here :) Let's go to the numbers.


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